First aired: 2010-04-23
Gravity is an American comedy-drama television series created by Jill Franklyn and Eric Schaeffer. The series "follows the sometimes comic, sometimes tragic exploits of a group from an eccentric out-patient program of suicide survivors". It premiered on April 23, 2010 on Starz in the United States. On June 30, 2010, Starz reported that Gravity had been canceled.
Eric Schaeffer
- Ving RhamesDogg McFee
- Krysten RitterLily Champagne
- Ivan SergeiRobert Collingsworth
- James MartinezJorge Sanchez
- Rachel HunterShawna Rollins
- Robyn CohenCarla
- Eric SchaefferChristian Miller
- Seth NumrichAdam Rosenblum
Apple TV+
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