Kenan & Kel
First aired: 1996-08-17
Set in Chicago, the show follows the kid-friendly misadventures of two high-school friends who are always scheming and dreaming. Kenan, who works at a grocery store, constantly devises crazy plans to strike it rich, while orange-soda-loving buddy Kel is always dragged along for the ride despite his track record for messing things up.
Kim Bass
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- Kenan ThompsonKenan Rockmore
- Kel MitchellKel Kimble
- Ken ForeeRoger Rockmore
- Dan FrischmanChristopher "Chris" Potter
- Vanessa Baden KellyKyra Rockmore
- Teal MarchandeSheryl Rockmore
Season 1
Aw, here it goes! Best friends Kenan and Kel always end up in wacky situations together — but in their case, two heads may not be better than one.
Number of episodes 14
Season 2
They may be older, but are they any wiser? Kenan and Kel return for more orange soda-fueled capers including playing hooky and winning the lottery!
Number of episodes 13
Apple TV+
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